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數位教學說明會簡報:How to do elearing2020.pdf
Google Meet
線上同步教學 / 操作演示 / 視訊討論
(2022/02/01起教師、職員適用GWS for Education Plus)
Plus功能:會議錄製 / 分組討論室 / 問與答 / 意見調查
Microsoft Teams
線上同步教學 / 操作演示 / 視訊討論
EverCam 9.0 (only for Windows)
軟體下載:請至 I'm@TMU首頁 點選 下載PowerCam [Evercam] 
  1. 建議教師將教材分段錄製,一段不超過30分鐘為主,以免檔案過大無法上傳。
  2. 請老師務必確實與學生宣導勿將教材影片外流。
PowerPoint 2019 (for Windows/Mac)
PowerPoint 匯出影片檔操作步驟:
  1. 點選【檔案】>【匯出】
  2. 設定影片畫質為【HD(720p) / 中等】或以下
  3. 點選【建立視訊】
  4. 選擇存檔位置,儲存為.mp4
  5. 點選【確定】後開始匯出影片
  6. 匯出完成後,即可將教材上傳至I'm@TMU平臺【上課教材】
  1. 講解內容越長,影片匯出需耗時越多,建議錄製一段以30分鐘為宜。
  2. 如有教材影片外流疑慮,請老師務必確實向學生宣導相關事宜。
技術諮詢   技術諮詢
   分機:雙和校區(#2) 10307、10630、10631、10632、10633、10635
   分機:雙和校區(#2) 10300、10301
Keep teaching


To help university faculty transition to remote instruction, this webpage provides operational suggestions on e-learning (asynchronous and synchronous distance learning).


Asynchronous Distance Teaching (EverCam/MS Powerpoint 2019)

Asynchronous distance learning involves students working with online curricular materials on their own time, under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher and students are separated in time and space and are, therefore, geographically and temporally independent and diverse. In our case, teachers can use EverCam or MS Powerpoint to record their lectures. And the new I'm@TMU platform support more video file format than My2TMU, such as EverCam 9.0 project(*.ecm) and other video files(*.mp4, *.wmv, *.m2ts), thus teachers can directly upload their video files without converting.


Required Equipment


  • Windows XP or later versions
  • Office 2000, Office XP or later versions
  • Memory: At least 512 MB RAM 
  • Hard disk storage: 100 MB or more
  • Processor: Pentium III 700MHz or faster
  • Audio devices and microphones
  • Frame grabber device (optional)
  • An external microphone (optional)
  • A Webcam (optional)


※Recording NOTICE※

Teachers should fragment their lecture videos in parts before recording. Please keep each video segment under 30 minutes or the file might be too large to upload. (The file upload size in I'm@TMU is set to maximum 1.8GB.)
EverCam (only for Windows)

Teachers can easily record their lectures by using Evercam, including screen recording and using webcam to record talking heads.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 (for Windows&Mac)


Synchronous Distance Teaching(Google Meet)

Synchronous means that the teacher and the student interact with each other in "real-time." Teachers can move their classes online by using something live, such as Google Meet or Zoom. Synchronous distance learning requires a steady, high-quality Internet environment as well as a good Internet connection on the student’s side. 

Google Meet

Through February 1st, 2022, TMU staffs can use GWS for Education Plus service. This service is available to teachers who log in with the TMU account(Tmail). Please be aware that students in China can’t use Google Meet because of China’s restrictions on the Internet.


Zoom have lifted the 40-minute meeting limit on free Basic accounts for schools.

Technical Inquiry

Office of Information Technology
Tel: 02-6620-2589 #10632, #10631
Email: moocs@tmu.edu.tw