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Bulletin | Date | |
69681 |
教學及課程意見反映可作為教師調整教學或教學技巧之參考 填答方式:登入本校教務學務系統進行線上填寫 填寫教學評量 / 期末課程評量權重加分計算說明: 範例說明:A同學教學評量填答率91.8%,期末課程評量填答率100%,其權重加分為18分=8分(達80%)+10分(達100%) 聯絡窗口: |
2024-10-06 |
67059 |
敬致全校教職員生: 113學年度第1學期課程已建置完成,可逕至【我的首頁】查看學期課程。 歡迎多多運用本平臺進行教學! 數位學習線上資源請參考平臺首頁下方教學手冊
資訊處 敬啟
-- Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students, The courses for the first semester of the 113th academic year have been set up and can be viewed on [My Dashboard]. For common questions from new students, please refer to the FAQs (Portal). If you have any related questions, you can submit a request through the Information Office’s [Online Service Platform], the paltform manager will assist you as soon as possible. Best, |
2024-09-03 |
67138 |
2024-08-30 | |
35747 |
2022-09-06 | |
32880 |
2022-05-25 |